2019 New Talent Mid-Summer Update - Mote Marine + IMG Academy

After two successful summer events we figured it was time to share some of the feedback we've received so far from the first half of this summer's programming.
To date we've impacted more than 100 interns and summer hires. Here are some of their top takeaways:
- Overall, attendees seemed to really enjoy the events - When asked to rank them, 50 said Excellent, 16 said Good and 4 said Fair
- Professional development seems to be a reoccurring trend amongst the feedback and is well received by the attendees
We asked attendees what they’d like to learn more about. Here is what they are looking for:
- Learn more about building your personal brand
- Learn more about the companies they visit and other commercial opportunities in the area
- Tips on searching for jobs and how to stand out in a positive way to recruiters and employers
- Learning about the area itself
- Learning more about the employers involved in New Talent
- Most attendees are looking for a career on the Gulf Coast
We added a question to the survey asking the attendees what they felt the value of New Talent was to them. Here were their responses:
- More than 20 respondents stated that networking and meeting new people was the biggest value of the program so far
- That being said, many of our attendees would still like more tips about business networking
- Some attendees find value in being exposed to new environments and learning new things
- Some have found value in thinking about career and growth opportunities
- Other feedback has revolved around understanding how top tier companies operate and how large brands are built
Photos from the first event at Mote Marine -
Photos from the second event at IMG Academy -
Our next event is at Tropicana on the 26th of June. We'll be focused on networking and professional development while taking a behind the scenes tour of one of the region's largest employers.